odor eliminator bar
odor eliminator bar
odor eliminator bar
odor eliminator bar
odor eliminator bar

The Oval Odor Eliminater Bar

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Odor be Gone is Food prep Odor Remover.  When you are handling food in the kitchen and the Odor gets stuck on your hands long after you have finished preparing the meals then this is the solution you are looking for.  

Odor be gone is a scientifically proven special Stainless Steel bar shape like hand soap.   It absorbs the odor and cleans your hand and make it odor free.  Simply just wash your hand while rubbing to the bar and in few minutes the odor is gone. No soap to add no messy chemicals to go drown the drain.  Best of all this bar will not melt away.  It comes in Oval shape and its own drain dish.

Made From 304 Stainless Steel in brushed look design. Comes with Bar Dish that will drain the water.

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